Pricing and Freezer Space needed for a whole or half beef

Our cattle are Dexter,, which is a smaller bovine. They take less freezer space when processed yet win awards on flavor. Keep in mind this does create a smaller portion steak.

This equations below show how pricing works. They are estimates only and use different hang weights. Using that info helps you to gain a good prediction of price.

This is only an example of estimated costs:


Hanging weight = 175 x $4.25 = $743.75 payable to Whisper D's

Processing: 175# x .85 = 148.75 plus $75 butcher fee= $213.75 paid to Processor

Estimated Total 1/2 beef cost = $967.50

Here is a second example on a half:


4.25 x 200# hanging weight = $850 payable to us for the beef

Processing: 200 x .85 cents a pound = $170 plus $75 butcher fee. = $245 payable to Processor

Grand total ESTIMATE: $1095

How Many Pounds of Meat Will I Take Home??

This is a random example of take home meat and freezer space needed for a whole beef. Change weights to estimate your half or whole

Live weight - 720 lbs.

Hanging weight ( near 60% of live weight ) - 432 lbs.

Total package weight (after 2 full weeks hanging time) - 289.2 lbs. plus 23.2 lbs. of bones if you request them.

The rule of thumb on space is one cubic foot of freezer space for every 35 – 40 pounds of packaged meat.

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